
His Engrossment


His Engrossment

She had once lived a life full of joy and ease, delighting in every moment spent with her loving, supportive family. Her days were brightened by their constant encouragement and affection, and she held them close to her heart, valuing their presence above all else. Her life was full of happiness, built by the care and love of the people who meant everything to her. But then, without warning, her world was turned upside down. In a flash, her serene existence was shattered, and she found herself in a heart-wrenching dilemma. She had to make an impossible choice: leave behind the people she loved most otherwise she'll lose them permanently. It was a cruel twist of fate that left her shocked. Into this chaos emerged a monstrous figure, a force of nature as powerful and uncontrollable as a tidal wave. He suddenly came into her life with a strong and harmful force, taking her away from everything she knew and loved. Just as waves drag snails from their safe places in the sea, he pulled her into his turbulent world. Her once-stable life was now a distant memory.


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Just penning down our thoughts in my way 🤌🩷

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